League of Legends System Requirements

Can I Run League of Legends

Check the League of Legends system requirements. Can I Run it? Test your specs and rate your gaming PC. System requirements Lab runs millions of PC requirements tests on over 8,500 games a month.

League of Legends game details

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Here are the League of Legends System Requirements (Minimum)

  • CPU: Intel Core i3-530 / AMD A6-3650
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • VIDEO CARD: NVidia GeForce 9600GT / AMD Radeon HD 6570 / Intel HD 4600 Integrated Graphics (DirectX 10)
  • OS: Windows 7

League of Legends Recommended Requirements

  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3300 / AMD Ryzen 3 1200
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • VIDEO CARD: NVidia GeForce GTX 560 / AMD Radeon HD 6950 / Intel UHD 630 Integrated Graphics (DirectX 11)
  • OS: Windows 10 64-Bit

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League of Legends System Requirements - Can I Run League of Legends Minimum Requirements
League of Legends PC Specs - Can You Run League of Legends Recommended Requirements?

Updated December 2, 2020 By Cliff Henjum

The system requirements test for League of Legends still boasts one of the highest pass rates ever on CanYouRunIt, which is due largely to the fact that it can run on almost any modern hardware configuration. This free to play behemoth of a MOBA continues to charge on as one of the most played games on PC. When you look at the actual specs required to run LoL (League of Legends), there are only a couple of popular games that are easier to run, one being Among Us. When the year is over, League of Legends will go down as one of the Top 20 Most Tested games of 2020.

Will my PC be able to run League of Legends?

League of Legends is far from being a new player in the scene and has continued to be one of the most played games since its inception way back in 2009. The staying power of League of Legends as being one of the top games streamed on popular broadcasting sites like Twitch speaks volumes about the fans of this industry-defining MOBA. What is a MOBA you ask? MOBA stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena and typically consists of two teams of five players seeking to destroy the enemy team’s base before they can do the same. It shares these commonalities with its biggest competitor, DOTA 2, but each game has their own playstyle and fans of each will argue that their game is the best! On top of being free to download, the system requirements for League of Legends are extremely accessible. Combine these two things with fun and addictive gameplay, and you’ve got a recipe for a game that can stand the test of time. Are you and your PC ready to finally experience one of the longest running multiplayer games?

As mentioned above, League of Legends’ minimum system requirements are extremely low, and it will even run on a wide range of laptops. In fact, the minimum CPU requirement is so low that Riot Games only states that a 2 GHz CPU is needed (even if dual-core). This means that pretty much every modern CPU will be well above what’s needed to get League of Legends up and running. A video card that supports Shader Model 2.0 with DirectX 9.0c capabilities is also required. People with integrated chipsets like Intel HD Graphics 4000 are also in the clear as far as getting LoL to run on their PCs. It also features a wide variety of options that you can tweak under the graphics settings to greatly improve performance. Once your PC is above the system requirements, it’s time to pick a champion and start wrecking noobs with Annie or Ashe.

Once you crank the settings up to High, League of Legends has a very pleasing aesthetic to its art style that you may miss out on by playing on low resolution/graphics. In order to safely max out the graphics, you’ll need to be above the recommended requirements, which are still on the low side compared to most popular games, such as Rise of the Tomb Raider or SoulCalibur 6. Riot Games set the recommended video card requirements at the GeForce 8800 and the Radeon HD 5670. The GeForce 8800 is a little older than the Radeon HD 5670, but it was designed to be on the higher end when it came out as opposed to a mid range card from a few years later. The CPU requirement is also very low: you only need a CPU that clocks at 3 GHz or a more modern multi-core CPU. Get a rig with this level of hardware, and you’ll be taking down Baron, pushing down lanes, and looking great while doing it.

Updated July 10, 2019:

Riot recently ended official support for Windows XP and Windows Vista. Their data about percentage of players still using XP and Vista matches up with the data we've collected as well. 

What Will Run It?

Below are some gaming computers with images that show how many games will run on each. Each computer was tested against the minimum and recommended requirements of over 8,500 of the latest PC games. Click here for more options.

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